BEAM is the world’s first crowdfunding platform designed to help homeless people train up and get into work. Homeless people, or BEAM ‘members’, raise money for training courses through online campaigns.
BEAM is a platform for the homeless (members) to find their voice, tell their stories and build their own support networks. The Beam model empowers them to make a positive choice about their future.
Meanwhile, the public are empowered to make a long-term difference by funding the members’ campaigns, allowing them to access new training opportunities and increase their employment prospects.
Typically, members also get a massive boost in confidence from the BEAM model. As the donations and messages roll in, they realise that huge swathes of the population are right behind them and many members have had the confidence to use their voice in the media as BEAM ambassadors.
BEAM has a sustainable approach when it comes to helping people - instead of making sure someone has a place to sleep for the night, they want to make sure that their members have a place to sleep every night.
With help from our investors, we can make a difference to the lives of those who are determined to help themselves.
If you would like to know more about BEAM, or if you would like to help in other ways, please feel free to get in touch.